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03.2022 - March Gardening Tips

03.2022 - March Gardening Tips

Whilst it may not be much warmer yet, the days have become noticeably longer and nature everywhere has started to awaken from winter's slumber. Daffodils and crocuses are well on the way and it's looking like spring has arrived.

As the first signs of life in the garden begin to stir after a winter of hibernation there are plenty of jobs to be done. Beneath the surface there's a lot happening, the soil has started to warm and it won't be long before we will be able to plant out tender new plants. For now though, this month is about sowing seeds, tidying up and getting the lawn in shape for the months that follow.

In the Garden this Month

What a joy it is to see life returning to the flower borders once again and whilst we may not be dusting off the barbecue yet in preparation for long days and summer soirees, it is time to rediscover our gardening motivation.

You've probably noticed that the extra light that we've been getting has given your grass what it needs to start growing again. We've certainly noticed the blades shooting up here, and before long we will be getting ready for that very first cut of the year. We would advise that you wait a little yet before you cut your grass but if you do decide to go ahead with that all important first cut, then make sure that the grass is dry and remember to raise the height of the lawn mower. This will ensure that the grass remains strong and will encourage deep rooting. As time goes by and your grass becomes stronger, you can gradually lower the mower.

Cutting the grass towards the end of the month and on a regular basis (once a week) will ensure that it remains denser and greener once the summer arrives. Most lawns should be cut regularly and kept at around a height of 1-1.5 inches; if your lawn gets a lot of wear then it's recommended to keep it at about 2 inches and if it's in the shade, around 3 inches. If you mow your lawn too short, then it will weaken the grass and allow weeds and moss to establish. 

To have a really great lawn that turns your neighbours 'green with envy' cut your lawn regularly at the correct height, deal with bare patches now and as they arise, treat weeds and moss and feed it with a good quality lawn fertiliser. To give your grass the best chance, your lawn needs feeding now and later in the summer months. Apply fertilisers when the soil is moist, or when rain is expected. We have a selection of lawn fertilisers available now, for best results we recommend Evergreen 4 in 1. It helps build a thick, green lawn with stronger roots that absorb water and nutrients more effectively.

Top Gardening Jobs For This Month

  • Get on top of weeding jobs as soon as possible. Weeds will grow faster as the weather warms up. It's far easier to remove them now and regularly (once a week or more) before they become established.
  • Get shallots, onion sets and garlic planted out in rows if you haven't already done so.
  • Spray peach leaves with fungicide to prevent leaf curl.
  • Prune dogwood and buddleia.
  • Move evergreens and conifers to new areas before any new growth occurs.
  • Feed cabbage with a rich nitrogen based fertiliser.
  • Feed, restore and returf your lawn if necessary.
  • Place granular fertiliser around roses.
  • Add fertiliser to soil in preparation for the growing season.
  • Sow sweet peas.