Our Christmas market applications are now open to stallholders. More info / apply

Charitable Donations Policy

We regularly receive requests to support charities and events both locally and further afield. Due to the increasing number of these requests, we have put together a short guide which details our charitable donations policy.

Overall Policy 
Naturally, it goes without saying that we would love to be able to support all worthy charities that contact us. Unfortunately though, due to high demand we must limit our donations to charities that we have chosen to support or to other causes of our choosing.

Each request that we receive will be reviewed upon its individual merits. If in agreement and our charitable donations budget has not been used for the month a request is submitted, then we will be happy to help your cause.

In order to process your request for support, we will need to receive your proposal with a four week lead time. 

Charitable Donations for Schools & Education Establishments 
We are aware that many schools and education establishments now rely upon external charitable donations in order to source equipment and additional funding for other causes. It is our policy to support the three schools that are most local to us: Beetham C of E Aided Primary School, Milnthorpe Primary School and Dallam School in Milnthorpe. 

If you have contacted us from a school not listed, we’re sorry but we will not be able to honour your request.

Exceptions to our Donation Policy 
If a request is inappropriate or we feel that it is against our best interests then we will not consider supporting your cause. These decisions will made entirely at our own discretion. 

Submitting a Request 
In order to submit a request on behalf of your chosen charity or event, we will require information about your cause and how you wish to use our donation. If you are submitting a request for a registered charity, then it’s imperative that a letter of confirmation from that charity is provided.

All submissions should be sent to marketing@beethamnurseries.co.uk