About You & About Beetham Nurseries About You This section is all about you and your household. Your Gender: * MaleFemalePrefer not to say How far do you live from Beetham Nurseries?: * Less than a mile awayBetween 1 and 5 miles awayBetween 10 and 20 miles awayFurther If you live further than 20 miles away from Beetham Nurseries, please give a rough distance:: How old are you?: * 18-2425-3435-4445-5455-6465-7475-8485+ What is your employment status?: * Full-time employmentPart-time employmentUnemployedSelf employedHome-makerStudentRetired What is your annual household income?: * Less than £20,000£21,000-£40,000£41,000-£50,000£51,000-£60,000£61,000+ About Beetham Nurseries This section is all about your opinions and feedback on us as a business. How many times a year do you visit Beetham Nurseries?: * Once a yearTwice a yearOnce every 3 monthsMonthlyTwice a monthWeekly On a scale of 1-10, 1 being poor and 10 being exceptional, how would you rate the quality of Beetham Nurseries' product offering?: * Add additional comments (optional): On a scale of 1-10, 1 being poor and 10 being exceptional, how would you rate the quality of Beetham Nurseries' customer service?: * Add additional comments (optional): If you could change one thing about Beetham Nurseries, what would it be and why?: * On a scale of 1-10, how likely are you to recommend Beetham Nurseries to a friend or a loved one?: * Type the two words in the image below: Fields marked with * are required.