Welcome back to Clippings from the Growing Nursery. Each month, we will be sharing what's new in The Growing Nursery, along with tips for gardeners, our team's favourite picks of the month, and even a quiz question or two!
We are delighted to now be experiencing some warmer weather. The Growing Nursery has been extremely busy of late, and we are loving seeing so many of you up here! When visiting, be sure to say hello and if you require any assistance from our friendly team, please do ask.
More and more plants are opening their buds to show us their gorgeous blooms and bridge the gap in between Spring and Summer. Keep reading to find out our favourites this month.
Monthly Quiz!
First things first, it's time for a quiz! Do you know the answers to the following questions? Check the answers at the bottom of this page and see if you can spot the connection between this month’s answers!
- Globemaster, Ambassador and White Giant are all varieties of which plant?
- Which succulent variety is a girl’s name of Greek origin, meaning illustrious and noble? Clue: we have some in our glasshouse.
- Which genus of plants has the common name Lily-of-the-Nile?
What's Looking Great This Month?
The Dicentra Spectabilis. Commonly known as Bleeding Heart due to its dainty, heart-shaped flowers — this woodland perennial grows best in light shade, although it will tolerate full sun in moist and cool climates. Which sounds ideal for Cumbria! We have a number of varieties available in your choice of rosy pink, pale pink, and white.
Camassia Caerulea have a tall upright stem, with clusters of lavender-blue start-like flowers. A low maintenance plant, Camassias flower from base to tip and can create up to 80 blooms per stem, making them popular in cut flower gardens. Their bulbs multiply too, so they can get even better with time.
Don’t miss our previous plant of the month Bergenia Rosi Klose, which is now on offer at only £6.99 each. Its pink flowers are in clusters on thick stems just above the evergreen waxy foliage.
Top Tips for Beginners
In late May to early June, after the last frost has been, it’s time to plant out Summer bedding! Sweet peas are a rewarding plant to grow and are known for their delicate fragrance and for being ideal to cut and enjoy in a vase. Grow them in pots or trail them up a frame for a beautiful display.
If you have a greenhouse, you will need to acclimatise plants you have grown in there before leaving them outside. You can put them out in the day and in at night, so they get used to the temperature drop slowly.
With sunshine and Spring showers, you can expect plants to enter their growth phase. Unfortunately, this means weeds too! Keep on top of them to prevent weeds from taking over.
Prioritise watering your newly planted specimens whilst their roots are bedding in.
Top Tips for All Gardeners
Reviving your Spring garden after the blooms fade involves a few essential tasks. First up, don't hesitate to lift and separate those congested Spring bulbs once their flowers have bid farewell. Let the foliage die back naturally, ensuring the bulbs get the nourishment they need for next year's display.
For vibrant Agapanthus blooms, make sure to feed them regularly with a high-potash liquid feed every fortnight. This nutrient boost will encourage robust growth and stunning flowers.
Lastly, don't forget about your climbing plants! Take the time to gently tie in the new shoots to their supports. This simple step will help them grow strong and ensure your garden remains a picturesque haven.
Top Pick of the Month
Geums are our team’s pick of the month. With long-lasting flowers in vibrant colours like Totally Tangerine and Scarlet Tempest, Geums are loved by insects. With taller and shorter varieties available, these hardy plants are perfect to add a splash of colour to the front and middle of your borders. They’re also great in pots!
Quiz Answers
- Allium
- Agave
- Agapanthus
Well done if you spotted that each answer began with the letter A!
Thanks for reading. We hope to see you at The Growing Nursery soon!